
Dancing with Your White Stone Word

You've got your word for the year. Learn how to dance with it, & make it practical to experience a year of joy, productivity, and enrichment.

When you think of powerful rituals that are a part of our spiritual practices, the White Stone Ritual stands out as a beautiful and uplifting ceremony that invites individuals to embrace new beginnings and personal transformation. Rooted in ancient traditions yet perfectly suited for modern spiritual seekers, this ritual is a joyful celebration of self-discovery and intention-setting. The essence of the White Stone Ritual lies in the power of intention. We've chosen to take it much deeper, linking it with the innate energy power of stones, together with our chakra system, to create a Spiritual Practice you can use throughout the year, transforming this ritual into a practical tool you can include in your daily practice to support your Spiritual enrichment and ability to make your life your Spiritual Practice.

What is the White Stone Ritual/Celebration?

For those who may not be familiar with the White Stone Celebration Ritual, imagine a serene setting, perhaps a quiet room filled with soft candlelight, a peaceful outdoor space where nature's whispers can be heard, or in a special Zoom room with your virtual Spiritual Family. Everyone has a small, smooth white stone, which symbolizes a blank canvas symbolizing a fresh start. The ritual begins with a meditation, allowing everyone to center themselves and connect with their inner wisdom.

As participants hold their stones, they are encouraged to reflect on their personal journey and the qualities or goals they wish to cultivate in the coming months.  This is a time for introspection, where the heart's desires are gently coaxed to the surface. Throughout the reflection time, a word, phrase, or symbol will come to each of them. 

Once clarity about the White Stone guidance is achieved, participants inscribe their chosen word, phrase, or symbol onto their stone. This act of writing is both symbolic and empowering, as it transforms abstract intentions into tangible commitments. The white stone, now marked with purpose, becomes a cherished anchor, touchstone, North Star guide—a reminder of the individual's path and potential.

The ritual often concludes with a sharing circle, where we share their experience and word, phrase, or symbol with the group. This provides the opportunity to combine a deep, intense spiritual experience with the power of connection, community and support, as everyone embarks on their unique journey together. The atmosphere is one of joy and encouragement, as each person is celebrated for their courage to embrace change and growth.

The White Stone Ritual is a testament to the power of intention and the beauty of new beginnings. It invites us to step into the future with hope and clarity, carrying our white stones as symbols of our commitment to ourselves and our spiritual path. Whether practiced alone or in a group, this ritual is a joyful reminder that every day is an opportunity to start anew.


The Symbology and Energy Power of Stones

Dating as far back as the Stone Age (no pun intended) and indigenous cultures, the healing properties stones and gemstones represent have been recognized for thousands of years. They symbolize strength, stability, endurance and resilience, longevity and durability, personal power, patience, standing on our principles, and permanence due to their solid and enduring nature. Stones are believed to symbolize spiritual and healing properties; they represent wisdom, mindfulness, rationality, intelligence, and foresight in rituals; and are used as amulets, charms, and talismans.


Many cultures and religions use stone to symbolize the divine. Think about the qualities of stones – and how they serve as a metaphor of our Higher Nature. For example, stones

  • are a material of integrity;
  • patiently bear heavy loads;
  • are well- grounded;
  • offer protection;
  • and their sturdy make up allows them to weather storms well.

Another metaphor analogy:

Because of their sturdy nature, their essence is of permanence and perseverance, even if we must climb over obstacles, the journey of overcoming struggles, of testing ourselves, helps us recognize that once over a challenge – even huge challenges - we realize the hard work of a climb gave us strength to achieve our goals.

The Power of our Chakras

In spiritual practices, stones are intricately connected with the body’s chakras. Each chakra corresponds to specific stones, and possesses certain properties that impact and enhance our growth and evolvement. This energetic connection highlights the role of stones in spiritual healing and alignment.

Here's a very brief summary of the connection of the gemstones with our chakras (we prefer to start with the Crown Chakra and work down!):

  • Crown Chakra: Amethyst -- The crown chakra at the head’s top connects with Amethyst, a violet stone which promotes enlightenment, cosmic connection, and Universal energy, resonating with the highest chakra’s energy.
  • Third Eye (Brow) Chakra: Lapis Lazuli -- Lapis Lazuli, an indigo blue stone, strengthens Spiritual Awareness, psychic abilities, intuition, and Inner wisdom. This is associated with the Third Eye, located between the eyes and slightly above them.

  • Throat Chakra: Turquoise -- Turquoise, a light blue stone, enhances communication, clarity, self-expression and truthfulness. It is associated with the throat chakra.

  • Heart Chakra: Emerald -- The heart chakra at the chest center connects with Emerald. Known for attracting love and harmony, this green stone resonates with the heart chakra’s energy of love.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine or Topaz -- Citrine or Topaz, yellow gems, are linked with the solar plexus chakra in the upper abdomen. These stones boost self-confidence, protection, and personal power, aligning with the chakra’s attributes.

  • Sacral Chakra: Carnelian -- For the sacral chakra in the lower abdomen, Carnelian is the corresponding stone. This vibrant orange stone stimulates creativity, passion, and joy, resonating with the chakra’s energy.

  • Root Chakra: Red Jasper or Garnet -- The Red Jasper and Garnet gemstones are both associated with the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. These stones are believed to enhance stability and a sense of safety, providing grounding energy.

Dancing with Your White Stone Word (Phrase/Symbol)

The White Stone Celebration ritual is extremely meaningful, and becomes even more so when we set an intention to use the word, phrase, or symbol we received as an anchor or touchstone throughout the year.To make the white stone and the word/phrase/symbol received meaningful throughout the year, there are several activities that can be done. We like to call it "Dancing with your White Stone Word" because it's a reminder that the process can be fun, stimulating, and enriching.

Here are a few ideas to help you get started with your dance, as you take your White Stone Word, Phrase, or Symbol into the year ahead:

  • Meditation and Reflection: Take time each day to sit in quiet contemplation with your white stone. Reflect on the word or phrase you received and how it relates to your life. Allow it to guide your thoughts and actions. Consider what gemstones might help you reinforce your continuing focus throughout the year.
  • Journaling: Keep a journal dedicated to your white stone and the word/phrase. Write down any insights, experiences, or synchronicities that occur throughout the year. This will help you deepen your connection with the symbolism and meaning behind the white stone. A few prompts to help you: How has this word/phrase shown up today? What actions did I take today that exemplified this White Stone Guidance? What does the next level of this word/phrase look like for me?
  • Visualization and Affirmations: Use the white stone as a visual aid during visualization exercises. Envision yourself embodying the qualities and intentions represented by the word/phrase. Repeat affirmations related to your intentions to reinforce their presence in your life. An example of a White Stone Guidance Affirmation is: I continue to embody the essence of (your word/phrase/symbol) and nurture it with my thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Creative Expression & Play: Incorporate your white stone and the word/phrase into your creative endeavors. Paint, draw, or sculpt representations of your intentions. Create a vision board or collage that visually represents your aspirations. Write a song or some poetry incorporating your White Stone Guidance. Dance with your White Stone word, focusing on the different tempos and dance styles your word can reflect, depending on the situation.
  • Community Connection: Share your experiences and insights with your own Spiritual family, and others who have participated in the White Stone ritual. Attend group gatherings or workshops where you can discuss and explore the meaning of your white stone and word/phrase together. You might even want to connect with “White Stone Buddy” and commit to sharing together on a regular basis to talk about how you are using the White Stone Guidance.
  • Become your own White Stone Word Thesaurus: Look up synonyms for your word, and think of all the different contexts it can have. For example, imagine your word was "reflect." You can reflect on the past (ponder); reflect about the future (speculate); reflect on a decision (weigh); reflect on the beauty around you (wonder); etc.
  • To Infinity and Beyond! Keep looking for more ways to bring your White Stone Word/Phrase/Symbol into your daily life, as a touchstone, anchor, or North Star Guide. 

If you want to create your own White Stone Ceremony, you can find our process here:

Creating Your Own White Stone Celebration Ritual

We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of GCSAcommunity.org

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