The Power Up Roundtable is OPEN for Registration!
We have openings and invite you to join our monthly Deep-Dive Zoom Roundtable Discussion Group focusing on the 12 Powers (+ the 13th Power we've taken the liberty of adding!)
We meet the first Thursday of each month, for an hour and a half -- and dive into deeper understanding and practical application of the Powers to help master the art of living!
7:30 pm ET; 6:30 pm CT; 5:30 pm MT;
4:30 pm PT; 12:30 am GBR
You can cancel either membership at any time without penalty. (Annual fee will be prorated)
Major credit cards and Paypal accepted.
Interested, but not sure yet? Try us out for one session and decide if you want to sign up for the recurring membership.
Note: Basic knowledge and understanding of the 12 Powers is a prerequisite to joining this group. Contact any of us if you have questions or need more information.

Here's What You Get!
A monthly Roundtable with Rev. Cher Holton, Rev. Bil Holton, and Rev. Paul Hasselbeck, all focused on diving deeper into the 12 Powers (+1) to make them practical and functional as you master the art of living!
Why Be a Part of This Exclusive Roundtable Gathering?
Discover the "Secret Sauce" that makes the 12 Powers (+1) practical and useful in your everyday life!
Challenge yourself to stretch beyond your current level of understanding and problem solving by sharing with others in a safe environment.
Create deep and lasting connections with others who share your quest for spiritual enrichment through applying the secrets of the 12 Powers (+1).
Gain access to a private Power Up Hub, containing all recordings of the Roundtables, plus any resources used -- even if you weren't able to attend!
What are your questions?
When do we meet?
Scheduling is always a big issue, so we decided we'd set a time the three of us could be available:
1st Thursday of each month
7:30 pm ET (6:30 CT; 5:30 MT; 4:30 PT;
12:30 am GBR)
Sessions run approximately 1 to 11/2 hours.
What is the cost?
We've found people tend to make a stronger commitment to stay involved (which is critical to the success of this Roundtable) if they invest their money in it! Your investment will help support the continuing depth and power of this group! There are two types of Roundtable Membership:
$47 monthly (recurring)
$480 annual (recurring)
(you may cancel without penalty at any time)
If you prefer to try us out, you can choose to attend one meeting for $29, then decide if you'd like to join us!
What do we do?
Participate in facilitated deep dive discussions focused on the 12 Powers (+1), including how they work together, how to use them to solve issues in your life; how to enrich your spiritual life by using them; how to activate them at the "sweet spot" level; plus creating a laboratory-style environment where we can dig in and apply the Powers to issues group members bring to the table.
Interested, but not sure yet? Try us out for one session and decide if you want to sign up for the recurring membership.
You can cancel at any time (annual will be prorated) without penalty.
Major credit cards and Paypal accepted.
About Us
Revs. Drs. Cher & Bil Holton, co-founders of The Global Center for Spiritual Awakening, an events-driven Spiritual Community offering virtual and in-person events. Known for their out-of-the-box thinking, questioning unquestioned answers, and ability to combine evidence-based science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psionics into their brand called MetaSpirituality. They are ordained Unity ministers, prolific authors, mentors, speakers, and facilitators. Learn more about Revs. Bil & Cher here.
Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck, "Minister at Large" - Known as the "Master of Metaphysics," Rev. Paul is an ordained Unity minister, former Dean of Spiritual Education & Enrichment for Unity Institute, and author of many books, including Use the Truth You Know: Unity's Principles & Premises. He speaks and facilitates classes for Unity churches throughout the US and abroad, creates The Absolute word (a MetaSpiritual rewrite of the Sunday Daily words), and founded and cohosts a weekly podcast, MetaphysicalRomp2, with Revs. Bil & Cher. Learn more about Rev. Paul here.

Revs. Bil & Cher Holton -
Rev. Paul Hasselbeck -
Copyright 2025 - Power Up Roundtable, Holtons & Hasselbeck