MetaSpiritual-Nativity (1)

MetaSpiritual Interpretation of Christmas

How many times have you misplaced your eyeglasses or your keys or iphone or wallet or purse and looked around all over the place for them — only to find them somewhere on your person? You had them all the time! And, if you’re like us, you probably felt a little foolish searching for something ‘out there’ that you didn’t have to search for at all!

We’ve just described a short metaphorical version of the traditional Nativity story! You don’t have to look ‘out there’ for a messiah or savior or Creator God. It’s not ‘out there.’ Your connection to the One Reality is ‘in here.’(We’re pointing to our head and heart). It’s your Higher Spiritual Self. It came with you as the Cosmic Logos expressing Itself as you at your birth!

You are a spiritual being from the moment of your conception. You are Divine by nature. You are the human expression of the One Reality expressing Itself through Its Cosmic Logos Nature ensouled as you!

This individualized Life Force is your Soul Signature and timeless Personal Identity in the Cosmos. So, in whatever dimension of being you find yourself, you’ll be recognized and you’ll recognize those who have been close to you, because they too, will have their own distinctive Soul Signatures.

You are a spiritual being who has chosen a human experience and from the moment of your nativity (birth into skin school) you have an opportunity to claim your Divine Genealogy. You are divine by nature. You don’t have to look anywhere outside yourself to discover who and what you really are: You are the personalized Life Force of the Ultimate Reality expressing Itself through your Divine Nature as you!

MetaSpiritually, the ‘Christ Child’ is your Soul Signature materialized as you! You are – all of us are – immaculate conceptions of (individual expressions of) the union between superior intuition and enlightened thought which come from the realm of Pure Universal Consciousness.

Your birth into the human experience is but another opportunity to express your innate Divinity. Through your skin school experiences, and pre-mortem and postmortem ethereal embodiments, you’ll discover your True Spiritual Nature when you adopt transformative spiritual practices and principles that ground you in Universal Truths.

Here are just a few essentials of your current nativity story:


Pre-Birth Events

Elizabeth: Mature spiritual unfoldment characterized by faith, trust, love, and confidence in intuitive promptings.

Zechariah: Attuned intellectual understanding that evidences your becoming aware of the deeper spiritual implications of sacred writings and beliefs.

The Infant John (later known as John the Baptizer): Growing moral awareness of your need to prepare yourself and others for responsible spiritual growth.

Gabriel: The wisdom of spiritual discernment which allows your Divine Nature to guide you.

Immaculate Conception: Represents a highly receptive intuitive readiness for Timeless and Universal Truths.

Nazareth: The state of guardedness in which you center your thoughts on spiritual things instead of material things.

Galilee: Subconscious feelings and emotions which sense evolving truths.

Census: A time when all of the beliefs, values, and assumptions gained from sense consciousness and religious dogmas are called into account and you question unquestioned answers.

The Nativity Events

Mary: Represents your pure, maternal, and superior intuition which is unequivocally open and receptive to Divine Ideas.

Joseph: Represents your dutiful and trusting intellect which is characterized by superior wisdom and understanding. Only an enlightened  intellect is able to give birth to divine ideas, and it can only protect them and nurture them through disciplined spiritual practice while you’re in skin school.

The Christ Child: Represents the birth of your awareness that you’re a spiritual being ensouled in human form.

The Manger: Represents baser human emotions associated with your human personality.

Swaddling Clothes: The confinement and limitations imposed by physicality.

The Inn: Represents the unenlightened intellect which has no room for higher spiritual insights.

The Cave: The womb-like mystery of life which gives birth to form.

Swaddling Clothes: The confinement and limitations imposed by physicality.

Virgin Birth: Represents the undefiled and purified stillness of mind in you that gives birth to your awareness of your Divine Genealogy.

Angels: Higher thoughts, insights, and inclinations which come from a consciousness grounded in Universal Truth principles.

Shepherds: The humble, trustworthy, natural thoughts you have that watch over your good and obedient intentions (sheep).

Nativity-Related Animals: Humility, courage, stubbornness (donkey); infusion of cosmic and spiritual forces (ox); spiritual wealth (sheep); purity, innocence, harmlessness (lamb); strength, endurance, and perseverance (camel); fidelity (turtledove); purity, gentleness and peace (dove).

The Post-Nativity Events

Star: The glowing spark of precognition (universal knowing) within you that prompts your receptivity in all of your manifestations to your eternal Divine Nature.

Wise Men: The esoteric knowledge and superior spiritual insights that make you open and receptive to your Divine Nature.

The East: That ‘place of higher consciousness’ within you, your spiritual headquarters, that recognizes your Oneship with the Ultimate Reality.

Herod: Our egocentric willfulness characterized by its paranoia material aggrandizements.

Gold: Your ability to transform material consciousness into spiritual awareness so that your material possessions don’t possess you.

Frankincense: Symbolizes affirmative prayer and meditation which will lift you above worldly concerns on your human sojourn.

Myrrh: Letting go of anything which you allow to limit or block your Greater Good.

Simeon: Our intellectual openness to the truth that our real self is our timeless Divine Nature which is a lower vibration of the Ultimate Reality.

Anna: Our emotional readiness to align our human personality to our Divine Nature.

Egypt: Represents your coma consciousness (belief you’re only human and oblivious to your True Timeless Spiritual Nature).

A Snapshot

of the MetaSpiritual Christmas Story

The only place you have to go to find your innate divinity, is within your heart and your consciousness. The only thing you have to do is align your flesh-and-blood human self with your ethereal Higher Spiritual Self in order to become less small ‘s’ self-conscious and more capital ‘S’ Self-Conscious!

Our Definition of Christmas

MetaSpiritual Definition of Christmas

We share this MetaSpiritual perspective with you so you’ll be able to walk the spiritual path on positive, practical, prosperous, spiritually adept feet during this Christmas and all the Christmases that follow. Merry Higher Consciousness Awakening!

Christmas-Higher Consciousness Awakening

We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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