Master Class:
No Secrets! No Magic! No Kidding!
Discover how to use our proven formula to activate the Law of Manifestation in your life!
These 90 minutes can literally shift your entire understanding of the Law of Attraction -- and transform it into the Law of Manifestation!
Transforming the Law of Attraction into the Law of Manifestation!
Why Be a Part of This Master Class?
Have you ever experienced the frustration of hearing about amazing Prosperity Principles, then not being able to manifest them in your own life?
Let’s begin with a true confession: we studied a lot of traditional courses focused on Prosperity, including some well-known leaders in the New Thought movement. We bought into these teachings and really embraced them. We wrote great denials and powerful affirmations; we visualized vividly, with emotions, color, all the senses involved; we created amazing vision boards, even coming up with our own “brand” that we called “Dreamscapes.” We tithed religiously, giving of our time, talents, and treasures. We even fell into the “This or something better” justification when things did not manifest as expected. And we taught these strategies to others in our Prosperity Truth talks and classes.
One day we looked at each other and realized the Principles we were teaching and practicing no longer made sense to us. They did not seem to actually work by any kind of sustainable measure, nor were they replicable in various circumstances. We realized we were being lulled into a host of activities to distract us from the reality that these tools just weren’t valid!
Of course, that felt like blasphemy! However, we made a decision … a powerful decision. We stopped teaching Prosperity – totally! We began what turned out to be a 5-year deep dive into what prosperous people (who are also spiritually enriched and happy) actually do. What separates the way they think and act from the rest of us? Are there any universal Principles that apply, leading to an overall feeling of prosperity and spiritual enrichment? We decided not to teach Prosperity again until we felt we had a real understanding, at a deep level, of what it means to be prosperous. The outcome of this deep dive culminated with a whole new approach to Prosperity -- something we've labeled "YOUniversal Prosperity!" At the heart of our new understanding is a complete flip of the Law of Attraction! We call it the Law of Manifestation -- and believe us when we say there are no secrets, magic, or tricks involved! We've created a Formula for the YOUniversal Law of Manifestation that we've proven works ... and now we want to share it! If you're ready to question unquestioned answers about the way Prosperity has been taught, and want to apply a new formula that brings results, then you're ready for this 90-minute Master Class!
During this power-packed 90 minutes, we will introduce you to the Law of Manifestation, share the formula, and facilitate activities that allow you to put it into practice, step-by-step!
Release the old way the Law of Attraction has been taught, and be kind to yourself as you embrace a new understanding!
Challenge yourself to question old beliefs about prosperity and financial freedom.
Discover our new Formula, outlining the Law of Manifestation -- and put it into practice immediately.
Take away a process you can use over and over, regardless of the situation, to manifest the health, happiness, inner peace, and financial freedom you deserve to experience!
About Us
Revs. Drs. Cher & Bil Holton, co-founders of the Global Center for Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Community, an events-driven hybrid community for people who consider themselves more spiritual than religious. Known for their out-of-the-box thinking, questioning unquestioned answers, and ability to combine evidence-based science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena into their brand called MetaSpirituality. They are prolific authors, mentors, speakers, and facilitators. Learn more about Revs. Bil & Cher here.
Copyright 2025