How To Schedule a Meeting with Us!
It's simple and so easy! Just a few clicks, and we are all set to get together and chat! Here are the steps!
Quick Tutorial on Using Our Scheduler
Sign in to our Scheduler. There are two ways to get there. You can go to our website and click on the menu item that says "Schedule a meeting" OR you can use the following link:
Choose your preferred timeframe. You will be given three options:
- a 15-minute chat
- a 30-minute meeting
- a 60-minute meeting
Click on the one you prefer. (For this example, I selected the 30-minute option.) This brings you to a page showing all available dates on our calendar.
Select your date & time, and confirm it.
Any dates with a blue dot have availability. Click on the blue dot, which will show available times on the right.
Use the arrow with the month highlighted to move to next months.
Click on the time you want from the list on the right-hand side. A blue button will appear that says "CONFIRM"
Click the button that says CONFIRM.
Fill in your information. When you click CONFIRM, a page shows up asking for your information. We ask for:
- your name
- email address
- whether you prefer Zoom or phone call
- who you wish to speak with (Bil, Cher, or both of us. Trust us -- we have no ego issues with who you select!)
- your preferred phone number, in the unlikely event we need to contact you prior to the meeting.
- Any specific information to help us be prepared for the meeting. (Optional)
Schedule it! Once all the information is completed, click on the button at the bottom of the page that says: Schedule Event.
BOOM! It's done! That simple!
You will see a Confirmation page summarizing the time you selected. Now this next step is really important!
If you don't get it, first check your SPAM box; next, contact us to be sure the date has been added to our calendar! (We want to be sure no one misses out on a meeting they requested!)
We're looking forward to meeting with you!
Be Extraordinary!