
Choice Point: Choose Joy!

A Spiritual Practice to Master the Art of Living!

This spiritual practice is designed to increase your awareness of the fact that Heaven is a state of consciousness — one you can choose at any moment regardless of what is going on in the world around you. This strategy can literally transform not only your attitude, but the experience you are dreading or resisting! It's almost like magic -- and you hold the magic wand! So ... Abracadabra! Let's do it! 

First, let's identify the kind of situation where this practice is really powerful!

The Situation: I Do Not Want to Do This! (But I feel like I have to do it!)

Hint: This is how you might look!


You know the feeling, right? There are lots of great examples that come to mind:

  • You've made a commitment and now you're asking yourself, "What was I thinking?"
  • A friend is sick and needs your help -- how can you NOT provide the support and care they are requesting?
  • A pile of dirty clothes or dirty dishes is staring you in the face, and all you want to do is lie on the sofa and binge-watch a TV show!
  • Your in-laws are visiting -- enough said!

The situations show up nearly every day, in one way or another. You know you have to do something, yet your inner voice is wishing you didn't have to. The resistance keeps building, and you reach that "Martyr Complex" place -- where you literally feel the weight of responsibility on your shoulders and wonder, "Why do I have to do this?" Your attitude, energy, and optimistic spirit have all taken a nosedive!

Wow! That sounds depressing, doesn't it? But wait! We have a Spiritual Practice for you that really works wonders!

Choose Joy!

Happy And Sad Smileys Shows Positive Negative Emotions

As you find yourself facing some task you dread, or a situation that is stressful, pause and consciously choose joy. (I know, this sounds way too simple — until you put it into practice! It takes a firm and strong level of conscious effort to actually choose joy in the midst of something you dread or something that is uncomfortable or difficult.)

You might adopt a mantra such as: “Since I have to do this anyway, I choose to do it with JOY!

We know ... This just sounds way too simple to have any impact. All we can say is, "Don't knock it till you try it!" The power of setting a strong emotional intention resets your attitude and actually can shift the way you approach and handle a situation.

Notice the Change This Makes

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Get ready to say "WOW!"

Notice the change that setting a Joyful emotional intention makes, not only on your own attitude, but on the situation itself. You will be surprised at how much easier and more productive it will be when you approach it from an attitude of joy. Everything changes!


The Power of Setting Emotional Intentions (The scientific support!)


Setting emotional intentions is a scientific concept that has huge practical applications in mastering the art of living! The term refers to consciously choosing the emotions we want to experience in a given situation. It's all about taking control of our emotional state and actively deciding how we want to feel. 

Setting emotional intentions involves intentionally deciding how you want to feel in a given situation, regardless of the external circumstances. It's about taking control of your emotions and actively choosing a positive emotional state.

When it comes to choosing joy in the face of an unpleasant task, here's the scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Research in positive psychology suggests that our emotions are not solely determined by external circumstances, but also by our internal mindset and the meaning we assign to those circumstances.

Studies have shown that consciously choosing positive emotions, such as joy, can have a range of benefits. It can:

  • improve our overall well-being,
  • boost our resilience in the face of challenges,
  • and even enhance our cognitive abilities.

By setting emotional intentions, we can cultivate a more positive and fulfilling experience of life.

For those brave scientific souls who enjoy diving into some specific scientific findings, check these out. (Everyone else can skip to the end and start practicing!)

  • Research conducted by Barbara Fredrickson, a leading positive psychology researcher, has shown that experiencing positive emotions broadens our mindset and builds psychological resources. This means that by intentionally choosing joy, we can expand our perspective, become more open to new possibilities, and increase our resilience
  • Another study by Iris Mauss and her colleagues found that individuals who actively sought out positive emotions experienced lower levels of stress and greater life satisfaction. By setting the emotional intention to feel joy during unpleasant tasks, we can reduce stress and increase our overall satisfaction with life.
  • In addition, neuroscientific research (including work by Dr. Rick Hanson) has shown that our brains are capable of rewiring themselves through a process called neuroplasticity. By consistently choosing positive emotions, such as joy, we can create new neural pathways that make it easier for us to experience those emotions in the future.
  • A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that individuals who set positive emotional intentions before engaging in unpleasant tasks experienced higher levels of well-being and satisfaction. The researchers concluded that consciously choosing to feel joy or positivity can help individuals reframe their mindset and enhance their overall emotional experience.

Take Action!

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Now it's time to match some action with your intention! Become aware of any inner emotional turbulence around something you need to do, and follow these steps:

  • Stop immediately and take a deep breath.
  • Focus on the task you are dreading or resisting.
  • Claim Joy! Say (out loud if possible, with enthusiasm and energy), "Since I have to do this anyway, I CHOOSE TO DO IT WITH JOY!"
  • Smile ... breathe ... celebrate your grit and inner strength ... and go do what it is you need to do!
  • Notice the results!

Remember, setting emotional intentions is not about denying or suppressing negative emotions. It's about acknowledging them and consciously choosing to shift your focus towards more positive emotions. This practice can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and spiritual growth.

Joy on Path-poster

We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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