
Vocal Acupuncture as a Spiritual Practice, with scientific research to support it! Includes downloadable poster of the practice.

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Fake it till you make it? It is what it is? Are you saying things that don’t match what you believe? Get Over It! Use our ‘Spiritual Truth Test’ to evaluate and change what you say to match what you believe!

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Regardless of the movie, there is always a deeper message to be found. We love to look at movies from a deeper, more spiritual level, interpreting them MetaSpiritually to see what we can discover about ourselves and our soul growth.

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The movie Transcendence: Here’s our take on what the deeper messages are that come from this film. We are combining our MetaSpiritual interpretation with a synopsis of the film, for those who haven’t seen it yet, or saw it so long ago they forget the essence of the plot!

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Love Bug-Cafe Post Cover Image

Instead of a flu bug, catch the Love Bug — the Love Bug of Truth! Use this guide to dive into the cosmic realm of self/Self-discovery!

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One of our favorite quotes, by Duke Ellington – and a Spiritual Adventure to make it practical. It’s all about not pouting.

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