
Are you ready for a Spiritual Transformation? We Are!

We have some exciting news to share with you. After careful consideration and reflection, we have decided to make a change in our name and Unity affiliation. We are thrilled to announce that we are returning to our "roots" and reclaiming our previous name, The Global Center for Spiritual Awakening.

Here's Some Background for You!

GCSA Why Now

WHY NOW? That's one of the first questions we've been asked -- so let us give you a little background that led to us making this change now.

We want to be completely transparent about our decision, because we feel it is important for you to understand why we are doing it. We've been affiliated with Unity since 1983, and received our Unity ordination in 2012. So you know we have been deeply impacted by our time with Unity, and have a very special place in our hearts for the history of Unity.

However, based on the recent decisions expressed by Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM) (including UWM being a Christian faith rather than a Spiritual movement; the non-transparent way the new "Membership Policy" was conceived and communicated; and the unprofessional and unethical manner with which valuable personnel have been "let go"), we felt it was time to re-evaluate the alignment of our personal values, beliefs, and spiritual perspective with those of UWM. 

Why Taking Action Is So Important To Us!


Our Spiritual Community is designed for people who consider themselves more spiritual than religious. Our gatherings are open to a wide perspective of beliefs, and our foundation is based on the idea of "Questioning Unquestioned Answers." 

While we have greatly appreciated our affiliation with Unity, we believe that this transition will allow us to better serve our community and create a more inclusive and diverse space for spiritual growth. We are committed to fostering an environment that welcomes individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their religious or spiritual background.

What Does This Mean For You?


As an independent Spiritual Community, we will continue to provide the same high-quality gatherings, mentoring, training, resources, and support that you have come to expect from us.

We're a vibrant blend of faith and facts, metaphors and science, wrapped up in a magical ribbon of our varied experiences.

As always, our goal is to help you master the art of living in "skin school," as you walk the Spiritual Path on practical, positive, prosperous feet!

FAQs (Frequently Answered Questions): 

These are the frequent questions we've been answering as we've met with our folks:

  • When will this be effective?

We will be official on January 1, 2024. However, we are making the transition of our website, name, and details now. The only thing still functioning under the UCFYP name will be donations.

  • How will my donations be affected?

All donations through December 31, 2023 will be covered under our nonprofit status, making them tax-deductible. You will be receiving our annual Giving Statements in early January, summarizing your donations for 2023. 

Beginning on January 1, 2024, we will no longer have our nonprofit status, since we were working under Unity Worldwide Ministry's 501c3. Of course, your continued support is valued and appreciated, and we are grateful for your generosity gifts. You can discover the ways to support us financially by clicking here.

  • How will this change affect your monthly gatherings and other events?

We're happy to share that we will continue seamlessly with our regular scheduled events, including our first and third Sunday Spiritual Cafés and first and third Wednesday Spiritual Pop-Ups. We will continue publishing our Monday Musings, which always includes upcoming events, and you can always check our "Upcoming Events" calendar by clicking here.

  • How will the Mentoring Programs be affected?

We're thrilled to say our Mentoring Programs will continue as they are, and we invite folks to consider signing up for one of our three levels in order to make your Spiritual growth your top priority! You can learn more about the three levels of Spiritual Mentoring we offer by clicking here. We also offer I Ching Coaching, which is a powerful tool of discernment and understanding when you are making life choices or dealing with difficult situations.

  • How do I know if the GCSA Spiritual Community is a good fit for me?

We're glad you asked! If you haven't visited us before and are wondering if our gatherings would be a good fit for you, take our 8-question fun quiz. No email address is requested -- you simply read a statement and react to it from 3 options as answers. Once you complete all 8 questions, you'll get a summary that will give you a pretty good idea if you'd enjoy and find value in our group. The next step is to attend one of our virtual Sunday Spiritual Cafés or Wednesday Spiritual Pop-Ups, and experience a totally different style of spiritual growth, with lots of discussion, depth, laughter, and love! The group will welcome you with wide open hearts and arms! Click here to take the 8-Question quiz and find out if we would be a good fit for you!

We affirm you are as excited as we are!

Please take a few minutes to check out our new website and give us feedback on how we can make it even better for you! You'll find us at Be sure to check out the Blog/Resources section for lots of free tips and practices to help you master the art of living in skin school, as you walk the Spiritual path on positive, practical, prosperous feet!
