
Create and Use an Advent Wreath 

     ... for a MetaSpiritual approach to Christmas

In the Spiritual Christian community, the four Sundays and weeks leading up to Christmas are known as Advent, and represent the time of preparation and focus on the true meaning behind the Christmas story.

From a MetaSpiritual perspective, we look at it a little differently, and interpret all the events of the Nativity story as representing what is happening within us, as we celebrate the birth of our awareness of our Divinity.

We’d like to share a special spiritual practice you can create for this holiday season, to help you move into Christmas with a spirit of reverence and joy, rather than stress and weariness. We invite you to create you very own Advent Wreath, which you can use each day as part of your daily meditation practice.

Creating and Understanding the Advent Wreath

Your Advent Wreath does not need to be anything fancy (although if getting crafty is your passion, go for it)! Essentially, an Advent Wreath is a circle of four candles, with some greenery around them and maybe some kind of bow or ornament. You will also need a single white candle that stands on its own. And yes, it is fine to use electric candles and artificial greenery for safety. You can use a styrofoam circle (found at stores like Michaels or AC Moore, or, into which you stick your candles -- or you can simply place your four candles in candle holders and arrange them in a circle on your table! Some folks have even drawn a picture of an Advent Wreath, and used it as the inspiration during their meditation.

The important thing to remember is this: THERE IS NO ONE RIGHT WAY TO CREATE AN ADVENT WREATH! It is symbolic, designed to facilitate your meditation. So don't get caught up in how it should look! 

Here is the MetaSpiritual symbolism of the Advent Wreath

The Circle


The Advent Wreath is typically in a circle, symbolizing the Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omni-Activity of Spiritual Beingness, and the never-ending love we experience when we align our human nature with our Divine Nature.

The Greenery


The greenery symbolizes growth and renewal, as we renew our commitment to Truth Principles, our Spiritual Practices, and our Enlightenment.

The Candles


The candles, one for each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, represent four attitudes we foster as we move through the Christmas season. There are a variety of representations used for the four candles -- we will be using Expectation, Joy, Love, and Peace. Feel free to choose whatever words you want to use as your focus for this season.

Traditionally, three of the candles are purple, and one is pink (representing love); however, since it is all symbolic anyway, we embrace the idea that you can use any colors and candle size you want. What's important is the practice and the meaning you give it!

The fifth candle -- typically a single white candle -- stands on its own, and is lit on Christmas day. This candle represents the birth of our awareness of our Divine Nature, as an actualization of G.O.D. -- Global Omnipresent Divinity.

Weekly Practice


1st Sunday


Today I light the first candle of Advent, to symbolize Expectation

During this holiday season, it can sometimes become chaotic and rushed. I make time to go into the Silence, renewing my connection with Spirit. Rather than worrying about what needs to be done, I choose to go forth with Expectation, looking forward to the joy and celebration of this season. I stand in Faith, knowing I have everything I need to do what is mine to do, and embrace the true meaning of this sacred season with joy.


I look forward to the Christmas season with Expectation, knowing I am calm and centered as I align my human nature with my Divine Nature.


2nd Sunday


Today I relight the first candle of Advent, symbolizing Expectation, and I light the second candle of Advent, which stands for Joy.

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, we also celebrate a rebirth of the Christ Spirit within our hearts. We let this feeling of joy flow through us,  and choose to express joy in every area of our lives. We are open channels expressing an Optimistic Spirit overflowing with joy. Our spiritual journey is one of joy.

During Advent, it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the things we need to do. In the midst of all our priorities, let’s make time to go into the Silence and reconnect with the pure joy that reflects the true spirit of this holiday season.


Joy fills my entire being as I open myself to the experience of Spiritual rebirth.


3rd Sunday


Today I relight the first candle of Advent, symbolizing Expectation, and the second candle of Advent, which stands for Joy. And now I light the third candle of Advent, symbolizing Love.

On this third Sunday of Advent, we celebrate the light of love which enables us to treat ourselves and others with gentleness and genuine respect, as we behold the Christ within and as everyone we meet.

As we get closer to Christmas day, it is easy to get frustrated and stressed with the long lines, extra responsibilities, and time pressures we face. Let us make the choice to enjoy each moment as we focus on the spirit of Christmas, a season of pure love. Let each of us make the commitment to treat everyone we meet with respect, honoring the Divinity within them. Let our smile be their ray of joy; let our patience remind them of the meaning of the holiday; let our love connect with them so they are better because they met us.


This Christmas season, I claim Divine Love and declare harmony in all my relationships.


4th Sunday

4th Sunday


Today I relight the first candle of Advent, symbolizing Expectation, the second candle of Advent, which stands for Joy, and the third candle of Advent, symbolizing Love. And now I light the fourth candle of Advent, which symbolizes Peace.

We are reminded that the Divine Nature is born in each of us, allowing us to experience never-ending inner peace and enrichment.

As we move into this final week leading to Christmas day, let's refuse to give any energy to the hectic pace of the holidays or the troubling issues of the world around us, and instead focus on the importance of creating that peaceful, sacred space for ourselves. In the Silence, we find it easy to be aware of our spiritual connection, to be in touch with our Oneness, to receive Divine guidance, and to be at peace.


As Christmas approaches, I express peace and serenity with every thought, word, and action.


Christmas Day

Christmas Day: Alignment

Today I relight the first candle of Advent, symbolizing Expectation, the second candle of Advent, which stands for Joy, the third candle of Advent, symbolizing Love, and the fourth candle of Advent, which stands for Peace. And now, on Christmas Day I light the center white candle, which symbolizes my alignment of human self with Divine Self.

MetaSpiritually, the Christmas story represents a transformation in consciousness, a moment of enlightenment, an interior journey of the growing awareness of my unfolding Divine Nature.


I am one with my Divine Nature. I celebrate my Divinity, my worthiness, my extraordinary beingness. 

We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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