Bowl Burning Celebration: Transform Your Life ... In a Flash!
This Burning Bowl experience is about recognizing the tremendous power of ritual to transform your life. It’s an act of releasing what you’ve outgrown or want to outgrow, to make room for your greater good ... in a flash.
We define a ‘flash’ as the amount of time it takes to symbolically erase fear, doubt, worry, and disappointment. When you place the small slip of tracing paper or flash paper on which you have written what you want to release in a bowl and then light it, you symbolically extinguish the energy of negativity. It is gone ... in a flash
A Quick MetaSpiritual Context
Let us add a little depth to this activity with some further commentary for your meditation and reflection. This ‘flash,’ this combustible moment, is possible when you have faith in the following statement:
In traditional scripture, Matthew 11:29 (NRSV) says: “Take my yoke upon you … and you will find rest.” In the Metaphysical Gospel of Matthew, Matthew 11:29 is MetaSpiritually interpreted to say: “The more we discipline ourselves to follow Truth principles (take up the yoke), the less resistance we will have (we will find rest) in aligning our human self with our Higher Self.”
Rest, metaphysically, means ‘freedom from error and the consequences of error.’ So, you can get rid of error thinking -- you can find rest -- in a flash when you choose Truth over error.
Have faith in this symbolic process. The fire of Truth incinerates error. Any time you burn error, symbolically or otherwise, you rewire your brain circuits. That alchemical process is symbolically represented in this Burning Bowl experience.
If you have faith enough in the power of ritual as an extension of your intention, you will be able to erase error from your consciousness—and transform your life—in a flash—because you will have rewired your neural circuits in a positive way.
Here’s How This Spiritual Practice Works:
Prepare! Gather everything you need.
Here's a list of everything you'll need for this particular Spiritual Challenge:
- Time commitment: 15-60 minutes (Time depends on how long you want to meditate throughout the experience -- and how much you are releasing!)
- Paper (we recommend flash paper or tracing paper)
- Your favorite writing tool (pens, colored fine-tip markers, etc.)
- A flame-resistant bowl, such as large metal or fire-resistant bowl, or a decorative bowl for incense/saging
- A fire lighter
- Journal to capture results
Gather everything together, and you're ready to begin!
Write! Create a list of what you want to release.
This personal odyssey gives you an opportunity to take stock, and reflect on the things from your past that are no longer working for you, that are holding you back from experiencing your best and greatest good. What you choose to release can take many forms. For example:
Once you decide what you are releasing, write them on your flash paper. There is no need to write a lot about the items -- simply capture the essence in a word or two for each thing on your Release list. You can list them all on one sheet of paper, or use smaller sheets and list one per sheet.
Burn! Now it's time to let it go!
When you are ready, place your paper in a glass bowl. Feel free to state either aloud or silently the affirmation: “I now release these things forever, and claim my greater good.”
Use the lighter to light your paper, releasing the energy to the Universe. (Stand at arm’s length from the bowl.) Watch as what you have just released incinerates. Symbolically, you have eliminated it from your life. Bless your experience. Invite your Intuitive Wisdom to whisper gently what is yours to do in terms of the spiritual, personal, and/or professional growth you want.
Reflect! Meditate on your experience, and journal.
Take a deep cleansing breath as you center yourself and relax in the security and safety of this sacred moment. In this moment of quiet, go deep within your center of being, and pay attention to that Intuitive Wisdom from your Higher Self to reveal your next steps forward as you let go and make room for your Greater Good. In the silence, listen … and you will know.
Use your journal to capture your thoughts, and create your next actions. Express gratitude for what you've released, and for what is ready to emerge in your life. Allow the feelings on inner joy to burst forth!
Be Still ... and Know!
As close as the wave is to the ocean;
As close as the flame is to the candle;
As close as your own breathing ~
That is how close the Omnipresent Universal Reality is—because YOU ARE the human expression of this Beingness at the point of you.
Let your light shine as you rekindle your inner Spirit and walk the spiritual path on positive, practical, prosperous feet as you connect with the Extraordinary You, your Higher Self.