Are You Saying What You Mean?

The Spiritual Truth Test


Sometimes we grow in our understanding and experience of Spiritual Truth … but we still use old phrases that no longer reflect our new Enlightened thinking. This can create Cognitive Dissonance, as the words we say sabotage the growth we are experiencing.

For example, have you ever said ...

  • Fake it till you make it ... or Let go, let God?
  • It is what it is! ... or Be careful what you pray for?
  • Nothing happens by accident! ... or This was sent to test me?
  • It's all in Divine Order!... or I'm right where I'm supposed to be?

If you're wondering what's wrong with any of those statements, then it's time to revisit your spiritual beliefs ... the Truth you stand in ... to ensure you are really speaking from the strength of your convictions! Otherwise, you are sabotaging your experience and your spiritual power!

This Spiritual Truth Test provides a way for you to test what you are saying against the Truth you know, allowing you to create new ways to express yourself that are in alignment with your Consciousness.

Whenever you find yourself using an old, familiar phrase, put it to The Spiritual Truth Test! Here is the Test, followed by a specific example so you get an idea of how it works.

The Spiritual Truth Test

1. What's happening that caused me to say this?

Take a moment to reflect on the situation and describe what's happening. For example, are you upset? Angry? Feeling betrayed? Lacking clarity? Anxious? Stressful? Be as specific as you can so you can identify the root cause of what brings this phrase to your lips.

2. What do I mean when I use this phrase in this context?

Once you've clearly described your situation, describe what you mean by the phrase you are using. What is it you are expressing?

3. If what I am saying is really true, what are the implications?

Assuming the words you said were really Truth, what does that mean? Does it put the Power of action outside yourself? Does it depend on a "God out there" to intervene? Does it rob you of your power or self worth?

4. What is the Absolute Truth as I know it, related to this situation?

Reflect on your belief system and measure the implications against your Truth. Where are the gaps? How does your original statement conflict with the Truth you know?

5. How could I rephrase this statement, to bring it into alignment with the Truth as I know it?

Find a way to rephrase your statement, still voicing the meaning you want to convey but in a way that aligns with your Truth.

The Spiritual Truth Test: EXAMPLE

"Fake it till you make it!"

1. What's happening that caused me to say this?

I am in a situation where I feel like I am not qualified or prepared to accomplish what is expected of me.

2. What do I mean when I use this phrase in this context?

Even though I am feeling unprepared or unequipped to do what I’m expected to do, I will “fake it till I make it.” In other words, I want to act as if I have what it takes to make it happen, so I don't let my fear paralyze me into inaction.

3. If what I am saying is really true, what are the implications?

This implies that I don’t really have the skills, or confidence, or whatever else is required to do the job. Therefore, I need to fake it. This means I am being inauthentic and untrue. I end up feeling like a fraud, eroding my self (and Self) worth.

4. What is the Absolute Truth as I know it, related to this situation?

We do not need to “fake” anything, because at the level of Spirit we already possess everything we need. If we lack confidence, we simply need to call on this KNOWING to help us use our inner strength, intuitive wisdom, and self-reliance to move through the situation. 

So – This FAILS the Spiritual Truth Test!

5. How could I rephrase this statement, to bring it into alignment with the Truth as I know it?

FAITH it till you make it!

You can learn more about this technique, and find 50 common phrases with their Truth Test descriptions and a new way to phrase each one, in the companion books: Get Over It! The Truth About What You Know That Just Ain't So! and Get Over These, Too! More Truth About What You Know That Just Ain't So! by Paul Hasselbeck and Bil Holton. 


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We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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