
OM -- The Sound That Adds Oomph to Your Life!

OM is a sacred sound (mantra) of great importance for those who take their spiritual growth seriously. OM represents the primordial abstract, absolute space that is beyond physical attributes or forms, yet  is THAT which underwrites everything. Om mystically and cosmically embodies the essence, oneness, inter-connectivity, unity and cosmic harmony of the entire universe.

The Sound of OM

The syllable Om is actually composed of three sounds a-u-m. In Sanskrit, the vowels a and u combine to become o which make the symbol’s threefold nature central to its esoteric meaning. According to Hindu tradition, OM represents three important triads:

  • The three worlds - earth, atmosphere, and heaven (We would add the  subconscious, conscious and super-conscious ‘worlds’)
  • The three major Hindu gods - Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva
  • Three sacred Vedic lyrical scriptures – Rigveda (hymns), Yajurveda (prose mantras), and Samaveda (melodies and chants)

According to Hindu philosophical belief, Brahman created sound first and the universe arose from the power of that primordial vibration. OM is the most sacred sound, and underwrites the universe and everything that exists. It continues to be the ground of all being and nonbeing.

So, as a spiritual practice, when you start mantras, prayers, and meditations with OM it, means that uttering the very syllable OM guarantees results. Why? Because you elevate your consciousness to a soul octave that connects with the Field of Infinite Potential. The sound (vibration) of your thoughts is the amperage (oomph) you need to manifest what you want from the unmanifest.

Vocalizing the OM sound is your ticket into the Field, because it activates (trills) all 49 of your chakras to a greater or lessor degree, depending on the energy you place behind your OM oomph.

Check out this YouTube video: The sound of OM (AUM) is the original sound of the first echo when the universe was created and the light came on and it is present everywhere now - the most powerful MANTRA ever. Video created by Francesco Franz Amato.

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In the Hindu Vedas, OM is called the ‘Sound of the Sun,’ and the ‘Sound of Light.’ In Islam, this is known as Saut-I-Sarmadi (the unsounded melody). The Sikhs call it Shabd (sacred sound). The Tibetan Buddhists call it Bden Tshig (the spoken truth). We call it OM Oomph (the sacred vibration that collapses the wave).

What Does the OM Symbol Mean?


Esoterically, AUM or AOM is the bow, the arrow is the Self, and Brahman (the Absolute Reality) is said to be the mark. When you say AOM your mouth is opened with the A; it is rounded with the O and closed with the M. According to Hindu tradition, the A sound induces everything, the O sound ferments everything, and everything is born (manifests) with the M sound.

You might also find this interesting about threefold nature of the OM symbol: OM or AUM consists of three curves, one semicircle, and a dot.

  • The large lower curve symbolizes your waking state which is influenced by the five physical senses.
  • The upper curve denotes the state of deep sleep of your subconsciousness.
  • The middle curve symbolizes your dream state.
  • The semi circle symbolizes the illusion of maya which prevents you from the realization of your highest state of bliss. The semi circle is open at the top, and doesn’t touch the dot. This means that this highest state (the unmanifest) is not affected by maya which only affects the manifested universe.
  • The dot signifies a blissful state of consciousness and is the ultimate aim of all spiritual growth.

Here's a Spiritual Practice To Add OM Oomph to your Meditations and Your Life


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Prepare Yourself.

Find a quiet and comfortable space to sit or lie down.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.


Photo: dreamstime 10531487

Chant OM.

Begin by chanting the sound "OM" out loud or silently in your mind. Focus on the vibration and resonance of the sound within your body.

Repeat the chant for a few minutes, allowing yourself to connect with the universal energy and find inner peace.

You can also incorporate gentle movements or visualization techniques to enhance the practice.Remember to listen to your body and adjust the practice to suit your needs.


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Use the Om on its Own -- or Use It To  Move Into Other Meditation Experiences.

We invite you to add a little OM oomph to your spiritual practices by using OM as the first word you say in your affirmations, prayers, mantras, and meditations. The OM sound will raise your soul octave so you connect to the ‘Field of Infinite Potential.’ Raising your soul octave will guarantee the results you want by right of consciousness.

 There is a nuance we’d like to share about using OM Oomph as a spiritual practice. Be sure to include the sacred fourth dimensional ‘sound of silence’ that immediately follows uttering OM. This short period of silence represents the omnipresence of oneness and universality that epitomizes the very nature of the universe. It reminds you that you are a particularization of that oneness and unity. You are not separate from it.

 The Upanishads say that OM is Brahman (the Eternal Presence, God, the Infinite Isness) in the form of sound. We agree. And we would add that you  are the Eternal Presence at the point of you.

We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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