The Movie Transcendence, from a MetaSpiritual Perspective


The movie Transcendence, directed by cinematographer Wally Pfister, opened to disappointing box office and derisory reviews in the US in April, 2014. But we LOVED it! And we’ll tell you why. We viewed it from a MetaSpiritual perspective instead of a conventional, materialistic one.

Here's our take on what the deeper messages are that come from this film. We are combining our MetaSpiritual interpretation with a synopsis of the film, for those who haven't seen it yet, or saw it so long ago they forget the essence of the plot! The "plot" is written in black, and the MetaSpiritual Interpretation is written in purple. Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

Transcendence: A MetaSpiritual Perspective


Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp), billed as the world's foremost authority on artificial intelligence, is conducting highly controversial experiments to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known by humankind.

(In theosophy and anthroposophy, the akashic records represent the collective knowledge of humankind from the beginning of the world).

Caster's wife, Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) was the first person to encourage Will to make his experiments public. (Sounds like a bite out of the proverbial apple, especially since the first three letters of his wife’s name spell EVE)!

The highly controversial experiments make Will the target of both anti-technology extremists (who represent fundamentalist religion’s science phobia) and the US Government (which symbolizes our human willfulness to perpetuate egocentric power).

Will (or is that Divine Will) is fatally wounded by a detractor when he is accused of attempting to ‘create a new God!’ (MetaSpiritually speaking, Divine Will is our ability to use our power of choice to align our human nature with our Divine Nature, Divinely Ordering a state where humankind will collectively express its innate Divinity so there can truly be peace on earth).


Evelyn comes up with a plan to save Will’s essence by uploading Will’s consciousness into a quantum computer that Caster has built. 

 (In Genesis, Chapter 3, Eve eats an apple and gets Adam to eat one as well. In verse 7 it reads, “Then the eyes of both of them were opened…”).

His best friend Max Waters, played by Paul Bettany, also a researcher, decides to oppose him. (Max represents the ‘Doubting Thomas’ in us). 

The government is deeply suspicious of what Will’s uploaded consciousness will do, orchestrates a plot that results in the anti-technology extremists taking the blame for stopping Will, who has become omnipresent! (MetaSpiritually, omnipresence is one of the qualities associated with the Ultimate Reality, the Ground of all Beingness, the Eternal Presence.

Will uses his omnipresent intelligence to build a technological utopia in a remote desert town called Brightwood (which stands for our worldly consciousness that is being raised to its super-conscious  level).


However, Evelyn has been swayed by anti-Will proponents to carry a virus into Will’s compound at Brightwood in order to destroy him. Will – now in an organic body identical to his old one – welcomes her. She hides behind the dogma she’s been told, and tries her best to appear devoted to him, but he knows instantly of her deceit. (MetaSpiritually speaking, Eve represents that part of us that is still attached to sensory experience, which is a virus that contaminates our spiritual growth and compromises our ability for higher, more esoteric thought).

Evelyn is injured during the ensuing attack on Will’s ‘kingdom,’ but Will say he can protect her by uploading her consciousness. (MetaSpiritually speaking, no matter what challenges we face in this human experience, we have within us the wherewithal to transcend any and all limitations by aligning our human self with our Divine Self. This conscious alignment requires ‘upping our consciousness’ to the realm of Spirit by eliminating our over-consumptive worldly appetites and addictions).

Will, as his organic body is dying, explains to Evelyn that he truly is Will (one with the Eternal Presence), and says he did what he did for her sake (The Eternal Presence, which expresses in human form as us). He tells her that saving the planet (placing material pursuits first) was her wish; to learn the secrets of the universe (to know who we really are) was his.

The ‘virus’ kills both Will and Evelyn (if we’re not careful, our egocentric virus will ‘kill’ any chance we have for a more enlightened spiritual outlook), a global technology collapses (the collective consciousness of humankind forgetting the metaphysical teachings and spiritual laws that underwrite our spiritual unfoldment), and blackout ensues (we continue to flounder because we have forgotten we are spiritual beings having a human experience)!


As the movie comes to a close it shows that three years have passed. (MetaSpiritually, the number ‘three’ can represent the Trinity; our subconscious, conscious, and super-conscious; as well as the process of Divinely Ordering).

Max finds himself at Will and Evelyn’s garden outside their old home in Berkeley. He notices that their sunflowers are the only living thing in it. (MetaSpiritually, sunflowers represent aligning our human self with our Higher Self by focusing on the light, spiritual aspirations, instead of darkness, egocentric ambitions).

Upon closer examination, he notices that a drop of water that falls from one of the sunflower’s petals drops into a puddle, which is polluted with oil. (MetaSpiritually, the omnipresence of the Ground of all Beingness underwrites everything. There is no geography in Spirit). Almost instantly the puddle is cleansed. (When humankind stops denying the innate divinity in all 71/2 billion people that inhabit our planet, we will be able to create peace on earth. That is, we’ll be able to cleanse our human consciousness -- earth -- from error!)


Max realizes that the copper Faraday cage (also called a Faraday shield) Will installed to ‘protect’ the garden from cell phone transmissions has also protected a sample of Will’s nano-particles. (Our illumined consciousness, Faraday shield, blocks external static, error thoughts, from forming outposts in our consciousness).

Max infers that Will and Evelyn’s consciousnesses are still alive within the active nano-particles, giving the world a second chance at Transcendence. (MetaSpiritually, every time someone becomes consciously aware of his/her innate divinity and the innate divinity in others, humankind’s collective consciousness is raised to a higher spiritual octave. Transcendence is built into humankind’s DNA because we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience.)

Take action - motivation concept - text in vintage letterpress wood type on a digital tablet

After reading the MetaSpiritual Interpretation of the movie Transcendence, reflect on the message it is sending you. Ask yourself:

  • What am I feeling called to do as a result of this message?
  • What actions do I want to take?
  • What Powers, Abilities, and Practices can help me be successful?

Your Spiritual Adventure for this week: 

Watch a movie – it could be this one, or some other one on your list of must-sees – and view it through the eyes of a MetaSpiritual interpretation. We guarantee you will have an enriching experience, and take away some a-has that could transform your life … as you walk the spiritual path on practical feet!



We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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