Christmas List-ca

One of our favorite holiday songs is My Grown Up Christmas List. My Grown-Up Christmas List was written by David Foster (music) and Linda Thompson-Jenner (lyrics), for the 1989 CBC Christmas program "A David Foster Christmas Card." It was recorded as a duet with David Foster and Natalie Cole. In 1990, a Natalie-only version of the song appeared on David Foster's "River of Love" album. The song was planned to be released as a single, but only a very small number of copies were sold in a limited region. In 1992, Amy Grant recorded the first cover version of the song for her second Christmas album "Home for Christmas". This was the beginning of a series of cover versions by many artists, and it has become a standard Christmas song in the 21st century. It is one of David Foster's most widely sung songs.

Our favorite version is sung by Kelly Clarkson, with our favorite group, Pentatonix. Take a listen:

What we love about the song is how it transcends the concept that the number one Christmas wish for adults is more gadgets, electronics, sports gear, jewelry, and do-dads! The best Christmas gifts are the ones that can’t be purchased or wrapped.

Here’s what we want for Christmas. And if we get just one of these gifts, we will consider this Christmas the best one ever.

All we want for Christmas is:

  • the world coming to the emotional, physical, mental, financial, and spiritual support all of the families who lost loved ones this year;
  • a doable and sane solution to gun control in America;
  • a coming together of people, practicing an ability to wisely and compassionately discuss their differences and reach solutions for the highest good of all;
  • the globalization of hugs and handshakes;
  • consistent and sustainable peace on earth;
  • people from Alaska to New York, Canada to New Zealand, Afghanistan to London, Israel to Antarctica, Switzerland to Ukraine — in other words, everyone around the world — to agree that war and violence of any kind are not the answer;
  • people everywhere turning hostilities into hospitality, guided missiles into mistletoe, ill will into goodwill.

All we want for Christmas is . . .

  • for there to be an end to hunger and starvation once and for all;
  • that no child ever has to go to bed hungry;
  • that no family is in need of something to eat, or something to wear, in want of a roof over their heads, or a bed to sleep in;
  • that every child knows the feeling of loving hugs, the touch of tenderness, the power of an understanding ear, the companionship of friends, and the joy of laughter. 

All we want for Christmas is . . .

  • for all of the world’s religions to respect one another and honor the Universal Esoteric Truths of all faith traditions;
  • to turn religious intolerance into spiritual unity;
  • for everyone to be treated equally and for diversity to be welcomed, respected, and promoted;
  • for people to be judged by the strength of their character and the depth of their spirituality and not by the color of their skin, or by their nationality, or socio-economic status, or physical disability;
  • for people to be able to get the quality care they need as often as they need it for as long as they need it.

All we want for Christmas is . . .

  • for each and every one of you to enjoy truckloads of happiness, and success, and health, and peace, and joy, and prosperity all the days of your lives;
  • for you to laugh, and giggle, and hug, and play, and sleep peacefully, and work contentedly the rest of your lives.
  • for you to join with others as together we walk the Spiritual Path on positive, practical, prosperous feet and master the art of living!

That’s what we want for Christmas. And we think many of you may have a similar Christmas list. We think that’s why you are drawn to this website . . . to make a difference . . . to love and be loved . . . to heal and be healed . . . to care and be cared for . . . to grow spiritually and to help others grow spiritually . . . to give and receive according to your consciousness of giving and receiving.

Here's a Spiritual Practice you can use to create your list!


We enfold you in the Divine Light of Love and Peace, and affirm a beautiful, blessed holiday for you and your loved ones. May the coming year bring spiritual enrichment, opportunities for growth, and abundance of outrageous prosperity and joy!

Christmas-Higher Consciousness Awakening

We're Revs. Drs. Bil & Cher Holton -- and prefer you just call us Bil and Cher! Our passion is creating a safe space where folks who choose to be more spiritual than religious can come together to search, share, question, and grow! We combine a flair for the dramatic, a deep understanding of MetaSpiritual teachings, an ability to think outside the box, and a knack for bringing scientific research and spiritual practices to life in practical ways! Combing Evidence-based Science, Faith-based Spirituality, Metaphor-based Metaphysics, and Experience-based Psychic Phenomena is at the heart of

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